maanantai 27. huhtikuuta 2009

Choosing the grapes.

Next stage of my project is choosing the grapes. Actually there is not much to choose because there are not many grapes that survive here. And when I want just white grapes I have 4-5 different grapes from to choose.

The main grape for will be Solaris. It is quite interesting double crossing from Merzling (Riesling&Pinot Gris) and Gm6493 (Zarya Severa & Muscat Ottonel) It is quite new mix breeded 1975 in Germany. Solaris is more hybrid than pure vitis Vinifera. Solaris is an early ripening variety with good resistance against fungal diseases and frost. It gives wines which have fruity and perfumed aromas with hints of banana and hazelnuts, with medium acidity. It has been grown successfully in Norway so I´m very hopefull.

The second grape is the "victory wine" Siegerrebe which is german crossing from Madeleine Angwine and Gewurtstraminer. The vine is suited to colder climates as bud-burst is late and fruit ripening is very early. Despite high must weights the wine tends to be very low in acid. The finished wine has an intense aroma reminiscient of muscat and tends to be used in blending than a varietal wine, however the flavour is reminiscent of Gewurtstraminer May Siegerrebe wines are high in extract and yellow-green to golden yellow in colour.

The third and only pure vine is Madeleine Angevine. This grape is more a test than realistic hope to get fruits. Madeleine Angevine makes an attractive fruity wine with a flowery nose, similar to an Alsatian Pinot Blanc. It is crisp, acid and dry. Retailers plants died during winter so I´m not yet betting on Angevines surviving in Finland but it has been grown long time in Cold climates. If there is a chance to get french lady in my garden I´ll try.

My total amount will be 20 plants (10 Solaris 5 Siegerrebe and 5 Madeleine Angevine) I´ll wait 2 weeks more before planting. May has been very warm but temperature is time to time getting close to zero at night time. It ain´t easy to be farmer in Finland.

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